Ebenezer's Vision
Gloriying God and Loving All People.
Core Values
- We believe that the Bible is the foundation for Christ-centered living
- We believe that all people have a unique place in the life of the church and need to experience a sense of belonging
- We desire to to train all people in their spiritual walk with God
- We desire to promote small groups which encourage fellowship and Spiritual growth
- We desire to experience fellowship with God and each other through communal celebrative worship
- We desire to promote prayer that binds us together in Christ
- We desire to develop, encourage and commit our God given gifts for service in the church and His kingdom
We Seek to:
- Worship in ways that meet the spiritual needs of our church community
- Involve our members in small group ministries
- Staff our church to promote youth, small groups and outreach ministries
- Promote stewardship in living and giving
- Make our facilities meet all educational, fellowship and outreach ministry needs