Jason Dahlman
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Prayer requests:


Let’s pray for both ends of the age spectrum today. Both for the brand new babies who have been born into this weird and wonderful world and for our beloved seniors who have lived faithfully for so many years and who now find themselves limited in their interactions with others. 


A Devotional Thought:


“Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.” Romans 12:15


Sometimes I’ve spoken with people who have great news but they’re a little hesitant to share it. Why? Because they know that others are struggling through difficult circumstances and they think it would be insensitive to celebrate while others are sad. 


I’ve also spoken with people who are struggling with difficult circumstances and they’re hesitant to share those trials with others. Why? Because they don’t want to be a burden on others. 


I fully understand both of those impulses. And it’s true that we need to be sensitive in the way that we share both our good news and our bad news. But I think if we’re going to be faithful to the verse above (Romans 12:15) then we’re going to have to share both our joys and our concerns with one another so that we can rejoice and weep with each other. 


If you have great news, share it! You can even do a little dance if you want to. And don’t worry so much if the person you’re speaking with is going through a difficult time. Maybe your good news will provide them with a little relief from their own difficult circumstances as they celebrate with you. (Just to be clear, we still need to be wise about timing and if someone is genuinely grieving over a painful situation it’s not the exact right time to start celebrating about your good news. We still need to use wisdom!)


And if you’re going through a difficult time, for whatever reason, then please share that with us. How can we weep with you if we don’t know that you’re weeping? 


I see two things mandated in this verse. First, we need to honestly let one another know how we’re feeling both when we’re rejoicing and when we’re weeping. Second, we need to be empathetic so that when someone does share their feelings we’re able to walk alongside them and share in their joy or sadness. That’s what it means to live life together. 


May you be blessed with the gift of fellowship and friendship today.

Pastor Jason